
2015年01?a href="https://freelifego.wordpress.com/2017/01/18/%E8%B2%B8%E6%AC%BE%E9%81%94%E4%BA%BA%E5%B9%AB%E4%BD%A0%E8%A7%A3%E6%B1%BA%E8%B3%87%E9%87%91%E5%9B%B0%E6%93%BE%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C/">民間借貸快速貸款中心?0日 00:01










By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterA pre-Lunar New Year holiday military exercise was held in Taichung yesterday to simulate a landing by Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) amphibious units, with the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot participating in the drill.The exercise simulated a PLA naval formation of destroyers, amphibious vessels and escort ships conducting a training drill in the Taiwan Strait, but abruptly crossing the median line between Taiwan and China, with ship-borne helicopters launching an attack to seize key military infrastructure in Taiwan.The exercise came a week after China’s first and only aircraft carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait.The exercise saw coordinated operations by the army’s tank battalions and aviation units, while the 10th Army Command dispatched M109 howitzers, M60A3 main batt微型創業鳳凰貸款計畫le tanks, CM33 Clouded Leopard armored vehicles, AH-1W Super Cobras and UH-60M Black Hawks to repel the mock enemy units and retake occupied facilities.The Clouded Leopards displayed their ability to mount steep slopes, with M60A3 tanks rumbling over a car used as an enemy barricade.Special forces troops were dropped from helicopters to engage the mock enemy, while paratroopers performed precision jumps to land at designated locations.First Lie合作金庫房屋貸款率利utenant Chen Pin-fen (陳品棻), the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot, was controlling an AH-1W Super Cobra during the exercise.Chen, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute in the US, completed her flight training at the end of last year and was assigned to the Republic of China Army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command.Compared with general helicopters, which are used in search and rescue missions and transportation, attack helicopters are difficult to manage and have complex weapons systems, she said, adding that she had spent a considerable amount of time mastering the machine.“My dream was to become an attack-helicopter pilot. It is a unique challenge. I like challenges and coping with them,” she said.Chen was trained as a pilot at the Republic of China Military Academy and was selected to study in the US, where she broke records in swimming and graduated with distinction.Her decision to train as a combat helicopter pilot was motivated by US soldiers’ aspirations to fight on the front lines, she said.Women rarely choose to fly the AH-1W SuperCobra because it involves intense physicality to control the aircraft in an emergency situation when the hydraulic system fails, but she mastered the skill, Chen said.Chen said her next goal is to pilot Apache helicopters, one of the nation’s most advanced combat aircraft.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者葉素萍台北18日電)總統府昨天宣布,年金改革國是會議訂於22日全日舉行,地點改在總統府。國家年金改革委員會召集人、副總統陳建仁接受廣播專訪指出,「總統府都是光明正大的」。 陳副總統也認為,對於一個國是會議,反年改方卻動員得有如戰爭,這不是一個民主社會該有的現象。 副總統陳建仁昨天接受寶島聯播網專訪,專訪內容今天下午將播出。寶島聯播網今天上午發出新聞稿。 被問到,年金改革國是會議終於敲定本週日在總統府舉行,是否黑箱偷偷改地點?陳副總統說,「總統府都是光明正大的」。 至於先前年金改革說明會出現掀車、阻擋等激烈動作,陳副總統表示「我不贊同你的意見,但我誓死捍衛你發言的權利」,呼籲抗議者必須平心靜氣坐下來談,在國是會議時表達出自己的意見與主張,若一直表明不清,府方也無法處理。 他也說,監督年改會委員李來希與劉亞平,應該協助表達抗議的要點,否則便是對自己職位的失格。 陳副總統在專訪中指出,年金改革國是會議學者專家、政黨、社會團體、青年、婦女,各族群都有代表出面討論,以政黨來說,綠黨、社民黨、民國黨也都有代表出席,但新黨、台聯、國民黨至今未提出代表名單,尤其國民黨可申請到12位之多。副總統公開呼籲,請新黨、台聯、國民黨三黨盡快推薦代表,為人民討論出更好的方案。 陳副總統表示,國民黨遲不提出代表,但私底下卻已有2位藍委接洽想參與。 陳副總統指出,國是會議開完後,有了版本便可開始訂出法案雛形,屆時公務人員將由考試院修改,教育人員與勞工則由教育部、勞動部修訂,並分送考試院、行政院院會討論修法。此約需耗費3至4個月時間,預定7月左右就可告一段落。1060118

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